WE Will Come to You John 14;23 ?

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Q. What does it mean in John 14;23 When Jesus said ‘we’ will come to you’ is he not talking of the trinity?

A NO. lets look at the context The word ‘I’ is used in this scripture 29 times, that’s as many as the number of verses in the chapter which is 31. I a the way the truth and the Life. Jesus is talking of himself as the father, not the trinity

Have I been so long with you and you have not known me (v9)
(v10) the words that I SPEAK THEY ARE his words  the works I do they are his works. what you see in me is the Father. What you hear me say is the Father speaking.
Jesus replied, do you not believe that I am in the Father and The Father in me (v11)
So here he’s giving them a revelation of the Father
In verse he says of the Spirit.
‘We will come to you’ he’s not talking of another person coming to us, he’s already stated that the father dwells in him and as father God is also Spirit.  that dwells in him (Col 1;19 ) In HIM (Jesus) dwells the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
Show us the Father!
After him giving a revelation of the Godhead which dwells in himself Jesus said, ‘I will come to you v18) and be your Father. You wont be orphans anymore because I will be with you and I will be your Father…. So if the Spirit and the Father dwells in him, then the GODHEAD dwells in him. They had truly seen the Father

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