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God in a Body Without Limits

God shall provide “himself” a lamb (Genesis 22:8)  “through the VEIL, that is to say, his flesh; ” (Hebrews 10:20) God veiled in flesh! His flesh body was like a restriction, a limitation, a barrier, a cage, for the purpose of humanity and being human. God couldn’t be man and God if he had no body! His body gave him access to the human world. To feel its pain and take on our sins. Without a body there could be no sacrifice. Without the sacrifice there could be no resolution, redemption or salvation. Only God could become what he was not, mere man! Only an incarnation could prove God is one. What man did not know was that his flesh was the son among us, what man did not see that behind the veil was the mighty God, “God” with us! (Isaiah 9:6). Paul….

Deity Undercover Boss

A revelation of the God man. God disguised as an undercover boss! yes in one sense he was. Veiled in flesh the GODHEAD see hail incarnate deity, pleased as man with man to dwell Jesus our Emmanuel. Revelation of the might God in flesh, Jesus the Emmanuel. Available from Amazon for Immediate Delivery

The SECRET name of God

Jacob said, Tell me...thy name. (God said) wherefore is it that thou..ask after my name (Gen 32:29). Manoah said, what is they name? God said why askest thou...seeing it is a SECRET. (Judges 13:18). Who has ascended up into heaven or descended?...what is his name? (Prov 30:4). Moses said, they shall say to me what is his name? God would not tell so he said, I am that I am (Exodus3:13). My people shall know my name in that day (Isaiah 52:6). That day, this means people did not know his name or world not know his name until that day. the day when he took on flesh and was born as a son. The hidden name, hidden till time God took on flesh! Why because humans cannot know a thing till it takes on flesh, only then can it be given a name (Luke 3:38). God unknown is known by his name. to simply say 'I believe in God' is to say I believe in the unknown God such as it was in Pauls day. when he beheld an altar devoted TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. (Acts 17:23) whom therefore ye ignorantly worship declare I unto you.... He is LORD…

Receiving of His Fulness

20 Jun  Written By Paul B Thomas In him dwelt the fulness of the godhead Bodily (Col 1;19).Divine fulness. In Jesus nothing is lacking. He is God's perfection and himself, perfect God.What God was as a man, he is the perfection of it. (Matthew 5:48).The perfect man, the perfect God.He came as man to reveal what man is, in his perfectionOnly God can reveal the perfect man and make a man perfect. Jesus is the perfection of all that God was and is.This means that man, cannot be perfect as a man without being one with God as Jesus was one with God, for it is only in oneness can we receive fulness. Just as a man who is one with his wife is full of love for his wife so too, a man that is one with God is full of the love of God. When man ignores the oneness of God teachings in scripture, he deprives himself of Christlikeness and can no more be a son of God any more than an estranged wife be his wife. Oneness is not a signed marriage contract, its not a paper thing! It's not what you read, it's what of God that…


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The SECRET name of God

Jacob said, Tell me…thy name. (God said) wherefore is it that thou..ask after my name (Gen 32:29). Manoah said, what is they name? God said […]

A Full Salvation

Today is the Day of your SALVATION  (2 Cor 6;2) The Lord is my light and my SALVATION (Psalm 27;1) SALVATION Salvation is a Gift […]

To Know God

He God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples made by […]